Floor Trusses and Roof Trusses:  Should You Use Both?

If you are searching for “wood truss manufacturers near me,” the chances are good that you are looking for someone to supply roof trusses for a new building project.  However, some people searching for “Truss Builders Near Me” are looking for flooring products instead.  Should you use both roofing and flooring trusses for your new construction or your remodel?  There are plenty of good reasons to say yes!

Roofing and Flooring Truss Solutions

Builders often use both roofing and flooring truss products for construction projects for very good reasons.  Both products offer several important advantages, including:

  • Time savings.  One of the most significant advantages of using truss products, both for roofing and flooring, is that builders are able to significantly speed up the building process.  These days, with supply chains so uncertain and unpredictable, it is nice to have the assurance that a job can be completed in a timely manner.  This can help builders to stay on target, even when other areas of the build may lag behind schedule.  Furthermore, every day that builders save with truss products is another day that they can spend on more projects, ultimately making more money over the course of a year.  Time savings can truly add up for contractors when they use truss products!
  • Money savings.  Truss products not only save builders money in time spent on the job but also in labor costs.  Trusses are much easier to install than rafters or floor joists, meaning that builders will need less highly-skilled labor and fewer workers.  This allows them to get more jobs completed more quickly.  Since labor represents some of the most significant costs on any build, saving labor on installation of truss products saves tremendous amounts of money over the life of the build.  Furthermore, truss products remove secondary costs, such as waste and storage of materials, from the equation as well.
  • Increased quality.  Most importantly, truss products are of much higher quality, in many cases, than stick-built rafters or floor joists.  This is because natural human error that often occurs when rafters or floor joists are constructed is not an issue.  Trusses are manufactured to stringent protocols that leave no margin for error and are quality tested to ensure that they will withstand all types of load and stress.  Truss products are sturdy and built to last, and, when supplied by a reputable firm, are guaranteed for many years to come.  Increased quality and longevity is one of the biggest reasons many builders prefer to use prefabricated trusses rather than have their workers build rafters and floor joists. 

If you are looking for supplies for a truss floor or truss roof system for your San Diego, you have come to the right place with Stone Truss!  Our friendly professionals have years of experience in helping builders find the perfect solutions to all their construction needs.  Call us today to learn more about how we can help you choose roofing and flooring trusses that will speed up your build, save you money and give you satisfaction for years to come!

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